Andrew & Teri


AGE: 50 & 47



Turn their possibilities into a plan and a path.

Make strategic decisions around their balance sheet and with their money so their retirement lifestyle can reflect their current lifestyle.

the challenge

Teri and Andrew aren’t ready to retire…yet. But they want to and if you ask Andrew the answer is “sooner rather than later.”

Andrew is a technology executive who loves his family first and foremost, and also loves contributing to the lives and businesses of others. Teri recently re-entered the workplace. She is also very active volunteering for various important causes. Both are engaged in helping raise their two sons.

Teri and Andrew have built a life together they love. And while they’ve been building a life filled with love, they’ve also worked hard in their financial lives:

  • They make a nice income

  • They’ve always maxed out their retirement plan(s) and have always saved bonuses and other types of additional compensation

  • They have sizeable equity in their primary home

  • They have 529 plans for their kids and want to pay for their college education

  • They’re currently working with a financial advisor

so what’s the problem?

Andrew and Teri have been checking all the boxes they know they should be checking. But something’s just…missing.

Their current plan feels incomplete and not cohesive. They’re also not sure their current plan is optimized or has any direction. They feel uncertain and lack confidence.

They know they’ve done well to save and invest. They’ve always been diligent savers. But they also feel like they could be smarter about how they invest. And maybe a bit more strategic about how they’re setting themselves up for taxes now and into the future.

While Andrew & Teri aren’t quite ready to retire, they definitely want the option to retire early if possible. It’s also important that retirement happens on their terms — and they definitely don’t want financial limitations to be, well, limiting.

the approach

Andrew and Teri knew what they didn’t know. They knew they didn’t know where to begin. They’re both very smart, very self-aware people. They also had a financial advisor they were working with. When they realized they still faced a lot of uncertainty, their first step was to reach out to a different professional.

Plus, they’re incredibly busy with careers and lives that keep them happy and engaged. They didn’t have the time or desire to figure everything out on their own.

To help get Andrew and Teri headed in the right direction, we decided to focus in on a few things:

  • Optimize their investments and diversify Andrew’s large concentration of employer stock

  • Reduce their tax burden

  • Maximize their insurance policies while minimizing costs and protecting their assets and family members with an updated estate plan

  • Pay for their kids’ college educations

  • Create a retirement plan that allows them to retire on their terms


When Andrew and Teri contacted us, they wanted more than what they were getting from their current advisor. They wanted financial organization. They wanted a plan. And they wanted a clear path.

After we worked through the financial plan and recommendations, we were able to accomplish the following:

  • Provided a tailored investment strategy backed by decades of academic research and empirical evidence

  • At the same time, we also reduced their investment fees, improved their overall asset allocation, and created a systematic re-balancing strategy to use over time

  • Implemented a wealth preservation & diversification strategy for Andrew’s large concentration of employer stock holdings

  • Assessed existing 529 plans, lowered fees/expenses, and implemented scheduled contributions

  • Developed a plan for their retirement nest egg to enhance and maximize their retirement income while still providing a college education for their kids

We also gave Andrew & Teri access to our financial technologies. This helped provide them with even more clarity around all aspects of their financial life. With the ability to understand and see everything at a glance, their situation started to feel simpler — and much more within their control.

Andrew and Teri knew what their possibilities were. Now they enjoy a peace of mind that can result from the clear plan they have around their money and the path they’re on.

want to learn how we can help you


The first step in our process is an introductory phone call or web meeting. This is where we both get a chance to make sure we’re the right fit for each other. You can easily schedule your appointment here: